On Day 2, Flat Springs, our own pastor's home church, fed the group another delicious meal and the bus boys loaded the bus again for the drive to Virginia. In Colonial Williamsburg, we were able to wander through the historic streets (and some even marched in a parade) before singing a concert in the church where George Washington and many of our other founding fathers worshiped.


“As a historically inclined individual, Williamsburg stuck out to me as a desirable destination from the get-go. After checking in and setting up, we toured the town and saw demonstrations of period careers such as spinning and weaving as well as paying a visit to the cobbler. There were several reenactments of Political/Independence debates outside the capitol. After a visit to the authentic Starbucks in town, we made our way to the church for warm-ups. The acoustics in that building were amazing, a whisper would carry across the room. The concert went great. We were told beforehand that people may leave to see other night activities in town, but no one left during our concert. After a great meal of pizza, we made our way back to the hotel and crashed. Williamsburg was an exhilarating experience even for those of us whom history does not interest.” –Aaron W.

“Old Williamsburg was fun to visit and extra special when some of us got to march in time with the Fife and Drum Corps!”—Vicky G.
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