Monday, June 9, 2008

Day 5 -- New York City

We had another wonderful day in New York City.
We began by singing in the morning service at Trinity Episcopal Church.
Then we ate at Jekyll & Hyde Restaurant, which was quite an experience.
From there we went to the Museum of Natural History.
The highlight of the day was Communion in Central Park.
Finally, we divided into groups, with each doing their own thing.
Everyone grabs a nap whenever possible.

The group paused for a warm-up before singing at the historic Trinity Church in Manhattan.

Looks like Josh grew a ponytail in New York City!?!

Trinity is such a majestic place. The youth sounded as beautiful as their surroundings looked.

One of the associates from Trinity thanking us for blessing their services this a.m. She said she was so moved by the quality of our youth in today's society.

Everyone paused for a group photo in front of the Jekyll and Hyde Restaurant, and Chipper the Duck found a new friend (below).

Jekyll and Hyde Restaurant was full of spooky surprises and lots of food. Everyone ate too much.

The adults spent some fun downtime together at Jekyll and Hyde.

Denise V. displays one of her many talents....balancing apple crisp on her head.

Everyone had a great time at Jekyll and Hyde.

Our choir even serenaded the other guests from the balcony at Jekyll and Hyde.

Linda and Donna dining with our awesome bus driver David at Jekyll and Hyde.

Josh and his posse having fun in the Horse Store in the Museum of Natural History.

The choir took a short hike in Central Park.

Our wonderful ministers, Darrell, Glenn and Josh led the Love's Appeal worship time and communion in Central Park. It was nice to be on grass instead of pavement for a little while.

Here we are preparing for communion.


Taylor said...

gosh, you guys look like you're having so much fun!
I miss you all and wish I was there!
Especially when I'm in a new place where I dont know anyone(yet).
I love yall!

denise said...

daddy and trason go to see your trip for the first time tonight. we keep blowing up all the pictures making sure bridget is behaving. just kidding. we miss everyone and we know you are bringing joy to all you meet. LOL from MOM(bridget knows what lol means, don't ya!)